What’s in Your Mobile Workforce Toolbox?
Remote Software Solutions for Today’s Office According to a new study by Telework Research Network, 63 percent of Americans will be working remotely in the [...]
Cloud Computing: Why Companies Are Depending More On Outside Networks
As companies grow, diversify, and expand their information technology (IT) capabilities, the need for cloud computing does too, since these companies require multiple types of [...]
GPS Tracking for Law Enforcement: Effective in Solving Crimes
In order to effectively track down and monitor criminal activity, law enforcement agencies nationwide are beginning to use some of the most advanced technology including [...]
Are You Using Comet Tracker Maps 10.1 & Older? You Must Upgrade To The Latest Version by December 31, 2012!
Your current version of maps for Comet Tracker 10.1 and older is set to expire! Upgrade FREE by December 31, 2012, to our most recent version [...]
Car Rental Companies and GPS Tracking Devices
Enhancing Operations Via Vehicle Tracking Car rental companies can really benefit from using tracking devices to monitor their fleet. GPS tracking systems have the ability [...]
New Customizable Dashboard in Advanced Wireless Forms
Actsoft’s Advanced Wireless Forms 2.1 reporting features allow you to view performance indicators on a specialized dashboard, transforming complex data into easy-to-read graphs. Ever wonder [...]
Actsoft Scored Its Own Gold Medal(ist)!
Over the last few weeks, the entire world has been watching the extraordinary athleticism exhibited by the athletes at the 2012 London Olympics. As we watch [...]
Go Green and Save Money with Advanced Wireless Forms
Ever feel like you are surrounded by piles of paper forms? The monotonous process of preparing paper forms for employees on a daily basis can [...]
Comet EZ: Employee Tracking Made Simple
Why work hard when you can work Comet EZ? If you manage employees in the field, this software allows you to maximize the efficiency of [...]