How NFC Technology Is Changing Mobile Business
Rumors are swirling that Apple is close to adopting NFC (near field communication) technology for what most tech experts speculate is a mobile payments system [...]
Big-Rig Trend: Saving Fuel Is What’s In
Give credit to higher fuel costs for pushing truck makers to seek inventive ways to make trucks more aerodynamic. Even President Obama agreed back in [...]
Are Trucks Really Going Green in 2014?
Only a few months into 2014 and already we’re seeing green initiatives popping up throughout the fleet industry — an unlikely ally to the environment. [...]
Global Warming: Good for (Some) Business
Climate change is one of the most pressing topics among countries, scientists, politicians, environmentalists, and lobbyists in the world today. With predictions of increased environmental [...]
Apple and Google: We See You
When Wired magazine published a story about the ubiquitous, albeit anonymous, Apple and Google buses turning residential San Francisco neighborhoods into busy thoroughfares used to pick up [...]
Fleet Finance: How Winter Weather Affected the Bottom Line
The constant onslaught of storms across the country this season forced fleet-based businesses to face tough logistical problems. Weather systems with ominous names like the [...]
Where Do Digital Maps Come From?
How Do I Get To Point B? Well, Spatial Data Can Help. When you ask your map program (Google maps for example) to help you [...]
Fleet Management and Phone Pairing in 2014
Seven out of 10 organizations are putting money into creating business apps for employees, outpacing business software development. According to a study by UK firm [...]
Communication Tools for Dirty Construction Jobs
As the construction industry continues to see growth, more companies are looking for smarter, paper-free solutions to bridging the gap between field and office. “Privately [...]