Good Communication: The Foundation of Success
Communication is key. Whether it is between first responders to a natural disaster or two people in a relationship, communication is imperative. The only way [...]
Workforce Management & The Return On Investment: Tracking
Workforce management is a multifaceted area spanning wireless forms, dispatching, timekeeping, and vehicles. We have explored how these aspects work together to bolster the efficiency [...]
Workforce Management and the Return on Investment: Vehicles, Part II
Last week, we explored the management of the vehicles within your workforce. We primarily focused on the benefit that tracking your equipment provides against theft. [...]
Workforce Management and the Return on Investment: Vehicles, Part I
Over the last few weeks, we have been tackling the return experienced after investing in wireless forms, dispatching, and timekeeping. While integral in increasing the [...]
Workforce Management & The Return On Investment: Timekeeping
The journey to optimum workforce management is a long and difficult one. Thankfully, we’ve been able to navigate the beginning portion of our trek with [...]
Workforce Management & The Return On Investment: Dispatching
Change on a single level of a workforce’s management can have effects that echo throughout the entirety of a business. As we examined last week, [...]
Workforce Management and the Return on Investment: Wireless Forms
At its core, workforce management is defined as the processes and activities required to create and maintain a productive workforce. As a business entity, virtually [...]
Actively Monitoring Driver Behavior Can Prevent School Bus Accidents
The safety of students while they ride school buses is imperative to everyone involved in the education system; from the board members who make far-reaching [...]
3 Ways Comet Fleet Benefits School Buses
The school bus system is the lifeblood of the education system. Reliant upon the safe retrieval and transportation of students each and every day, bus [...]