Shipping During the Holiday Season and Actsoft Solutions
In 2017, UPS estimated that they’d be shipping nearly 750 million packages during the course of the entire holiday season. This year, that number [...]
Truck Safety: Tips and Tools to Promote Good Driving Habits
As the amount of freight transportation activity increases, so do the chances of traffic accidents. Today, trucks carry the majority of freight, about 65 percent, [...]
Professional Services Spotlight: QuickBooks Integration
Last week, we introduced you to the world of our Professional Services team, a group of talented individuals who are responsible for spearheading the [...]
Why Telematics Is More Than a Buzzword
Now that we have all this information at our fingertips — from GPS positioning and driver behavior, to consumer trends and asset locations, what do [...]
Professional Services Spotlight: Business Intelligence Dashboard
Here at Actsoft, we pride ourselves not only on our ability to provide companies with affordable, easy-to-implement solutions that help them reshape the way [...]
Actsoft’s Strategic Partnership With Geotab
As a strategic partner of ours that supplies top-notch fleet tracking devices and fleet technology, Geotab is the perfect complement to Actsoft’s solutions. Our [...]
How to Make Data Work For You
Every day companies are collecting data, whether intentionally seeking it out or as a byproduct from conducting business as usual. This information is usually varied [...]
Everyday Choices Companies Make That Waste Money
In our frenzy to bring in more money, drive business, create better marketing strategies, schedule more meetings, and hire more salespeople, we often forget the [...]
Barcode Scanning: What’s Your Inventory IQ?
Do you rely on humans to keep track of inventory by counting units or making lists of what’s missing, low, or out of stock? If [...]