If you’re looking for the cream-of-the-crop, when comes to hiring new employees, you’ll have to do some serious searching, and you’ll need an eye for talent. It might be tough at first, but in order to discover the best candidates, you’ll need to invest some legitimate time and money into finding them.
Help from a skilled staffing agency can take some of the fear out of the recruiting process, as you search for the perfect candidate. Robert Half.com says you should look for a staffing firm that offers specialization, industry recognition, stability and a wide enough reach to meet your specific recruitment needs.
Ensuring that the staffing agency you select specializes in your particular field of service is critical to successful recruiting. According to Robert Half.com, non-specialized or generalist staffing agencies work with a broad variety of candidates, so finding someone with the exact skills and qualifications you need will be more difficult and take longer if you work with a firm that’s not necessarily focused on your field.
A lot of times, staffing agencies that are specialized in your industry know more about the skills and experience successful candidates need to be the right match for your company.
Don’t forget that communication is key when using a staffing agency to look for candidates. You want to make sure that the recruiter knows your particulars when it comes to the job description, work policies, dress code, overtime etc. Don’t expect the recruiter to innately know the procedures and processes of your company.
As you search for the right staffing agency, don’t get caught up with the glitz and glam of the name of the agency. Make sure that the agency’s reputation is as respected as its name. According to Robert Half.com, working with a well-established agency also gives you a “behind the scenes” advantage: Recruiters who are confident they’re working for a stable company won’t feel pressure to make a placement just to help keep the staffing firm afloat.
Consider the market that the staffing agency is tapping into. You’ll want to make sure that they’re not covering the same locations you have already tried. The best firms have access to candidates you can’t reach, suggested Robert Half.com. When you hire a staffing agency, find out if they have a global reach when searching for new candidates. If they do, it will give your business quick access to highly skilled candidates in other markets.
Finding the right staffing agency might take some time, especially with all the nuances that go into the candidate search. The pressures of searching for new candidates, while running your business can be taxing and stressful.
Actsoft knows the pressures businesses face, as they search for the right candidate. With Actsoft’s Comet Tracker, you can manage everyday business, while meeting with staffing agencies.
Comet Tracker helps you keep track of the clock-in and clock-out time punches of your mobile employees while on-the-go. All time punches are date and GPS location stamped. As you’re running from one meeting to the next, stay up to date with your workers in the field with Comet Tracker’s worker status updates. The updates give instant information on worker availability, job assignments and dispatching activity. System Administrators can also use Comet Tracker’s dispatching feature to send out new work assignments electronically.
Actsoft technology makes it easy to manage your mobile workforce, while you meet with recruiters to bring in new talent. The applications give you the flexibility to keep things running smoothly, while you focus on your company’s future.
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