Rumors are swirling that Apple is close to adopting NFC (near field communication) technology for what most tech experts speculate is a mobile payments system that will be widely available in retail stores across the country. Already, Samsung Galaxy S4 includes NFC technology. This is Samsung’s debut into the world of NFC-based mobile payments as the device comes already equipped with the Visa payWave applet in the embedded secure element. That means users will have mobile payment capabilities the moment they unbox their devices, according to a recent report.
And while the wider population can now conduct transactions over their phone — faster, easier, and more accurately — kids are also enjoying NFC as Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is slated to use NFC technology on Nintendo consoles, specifically the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros., said Stephan Bole, managing director of Nintendo France, in an interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro.
At the beginning of May, when Nintendo announced the launch of the Nintendo Figurine Platform, they said that NFP “will support training and upgrading in-game versions of figures of various Nintendo characters; the platform will support multiple games on both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.” This move will certainly give Nintendo more exposure for its new hardware program along with its character IP brand.
The good thing about NFC is that it’s not just for Fortune 500 companies. Today, through companies like Actsoft, who are making use of this technology affordable, easy to use, and reliable, small to mid-size business owners can use NFC for a whole host of daily activities, such as employee ID cards and inventory tracking, right from their mobile devices. To get an idea of how NFC is being used in all kinds of industries, see our NFC snapshot below.
How Can NFC Help Me?
For starters, with NFC you can share information more accurately, securely, and quickly. Plus, NFC helps eliminate input errors and allows you to get timely data.
From employee validation to keeping track of inventory and assets, NFC is a flexible and versatile tool that can be applied to a whole host of needs.
• Employee ID cards used to verify location, time, and attendance
• Pre-screened, quick entry access
• Eliminate “fat fingering” or inputting inaccurate data
• Tagged equipment that can be scanned and accounted for
• Employee IDs for verification
• In-building location validation
• Customer visit validation
• Asset and inventory tracking
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