A utilities company's electrical plant

Utilities companies are able to use a variety of Actsoft solutions to streamline their workflows, and ensure that they’re getting the most out of everyday operations. Businesses dealing in water, HVAC servicing, electrical repair, and plumbing almost exclusively conduct daily work at remote locations, which can open up a world of possibilities for breaks in connectivity to occur. The reliability of a business solution then becomes vital, if management teams are to establish and maintain solid communication with their mobile technicians.

Features of Actsoft solutions like GPS Tracking, Job Dispatching, and Wireless Forms are all readily applicable to the utilities industry, collectively providing extra efficiency to daily operations. Here’s how utilities businesses can benefit from these particular tools:

GPS Tracking

With GPS Tracking, utilities companies can know the near real-time positions of their scattered employees on the fly. This feature is a versatile one that functions seamlessly with other Actsoft tools, leaving workforces more equipped than ever to handle the unexpected. GPS monitoring of employees, fleet vehicles, and assets can enhance safety for workers, better safeguard business equipment, and make team coordination a breeze to sustain.


This feature enables businesses to redirect their field techs to new job locations on the fly via electronic communication. Managers can perceive the locations of their organization’s mobile employees in near real-time, and identify the closest available staff members to new work sites.

Quick response times to critical situations like pipe breaks, electrical failures, and water stoppages are integral to providing the best possible service to your customers. If your company was equipped with a solution for helping staff identify and reach new jobs as efficiently as possible, what more could it accomplish?

Wireless Forms

Receiving vital paperwork back from the field in a timely manner is another pain point for many organizations, as it’s often times impractical and costly to deal with. For companies that choose to use Actsoft’s Wireless Forms solution, however, documentation is kept streamlined via the power of digital systems. Employees of utilities companies can fill out custom work orders and billing documents from the convenience of mobile devices, saving time, money, and resources daily.

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About the author : Andrew Forest

Drew Forest is a writer, marketer, and content creator. He enjoys traveling, fantasy football, and watching Tampa Bay sports teams win championships.