Mobile Workforce Plus, our software for HVAC technicians, helps businesses in this industry increase their productivity and profitability by giving them tools to replace the outdated, costly processes holding their teams of technicians back. Below are five critical ways our app delivers returns to HVAC companies’ top and bottom lines through empowering their field employees to work smarter and more efficiently.
Better Communication
MWP’s Intra-Company Messaging and Job Dispatching features help your technicians communicate more effectively with your HVAC company’s home base and reduce errors related to poor communication like low connectivity, slow information reception, and unclear directives. When new jobs come in or changes need to be made to certain instructions, you can let your technicians know via quick, digital notifications that are sent right to their mobile devices. These features strengthen office-to-field insight while eliminating costly mistakes related to poor communication.
Reduced Paper Costs
Did you know that on an annual basis, businesses with 40 employees can spend between $45 and $53 per employee per month on supplies like paper? This means that if your company has at least 40 employees, you could have an annual expense of nearly $25,440 in this regard. And, HVAC companies tend to have an even heavier reliance on paper due to the need to document repairs and installations in the field. As a result, your costs can balloon even more, even if you have a workforce smaller than 40 team members.
Allow MWP to digitize common HVAC forms you use like air agreements, invoices, and checkout forms, reducing the costs and headaches associated with processing paper. In addition to helping you receive vital information from the field faster, you’ll also bring down the expenses associated with ink, printing, and more from your daily workflows.
Lower Fuel Expenses
If you have available technicians in the field who can take on new jobs, why waste time and company vehicle fuel having them drive back to the office just to receive new instructions? Our software for HVAC technicians has features to help you both schedule and adjust technician assignments at will when a new customer is requesting service. By enabling you to instruct your technicians about new jobs while they’re already in the field, you can save more resources like fuel and time during day-to-day operations.
Greater Productivity
Improved dispatching through the use of our HVAC software also helps you retain more revenue by helping you serve more customers during the day. Due to digital dispatching, you can eliminate unnecessary back-and-forth communication and drive time for your technicians, reducing the time it takes for them to reach a new client location. This results in greater output by your staff, more top-line revenue, and increased customer satisfaction.
Software Consolidation
By providing multiple features within a single solution, MWP helps to reduce the number of other apps you need to successfully manage your HVAC workforce. As many types of other HVAC applications don’t bundle features like GPS tracking of assets, vehicles, and employees with other essential tools for efficient operations like digital forms, timekeeping, or scheduling, you could be unnecessarily paying for multiple different app subscriptions just to effectively manage things.
MWP is an end-to-end HVAC software that provides a single solution to all the critical points previously mentioned, all at a best-in-class price. Plus, its ability to integrate with many other third-party systems makes it easy and quick to implement for your HVAC staff.
Through these five core financial benefits, Mobile Workforce Plus can help you bring down the costs hurting your HVAC business’s bottom line and boost incoming revenue as well. Learn more about how our all-in-one application can increase your organization’s potential today.
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About the author : Andrew Forest
Drew Forest is a writer, marketer, and content creator. He enjoys traveling, fantasy football, and watching Tampa Bay sports teams win championships.