For anyone as obsessed with food and calamity as I am, there’s arguably no better way to simultaneously satiate your appetite for the duo than by watching the train wreck of a show that is “Nailed It.” If you’re unfamiliar with the premise, allow me to explain: Aspiring bakers — and I can’t stress the word “aspiring” enough here — compete against each other to recreate baked works of art that would be feats of effort for even the most skilled pâtissier.
Of course, under a time crunch, the incessant commentary and pestering from comedienne host Nicole Byer (a true gem), and a general lack of skills on the part of the contestants, there are gaffes galore. Recipes are provided, but under the pressure to finish, steps are often skipped or bakers take it upon themselves to improvise workarounds in an attempt to reach their goal within the allotted time.
The result? Cringe-worthy, gut-bustingly hilarious attempts that more often than not bear little resemblance to the original masterpiece.
While the haphazard attempts to craft these creative confections make for good TV watching, in the real-life business world, such an approach is, shall we say … ill-advised. As far as your workforce goes, it’s up to you to properly vet your talent and make sure the people on your team are experts in the things they do. Even then, mistakes can happen. But when you’re working on, say, a construction site, skipping steps can result in much more serious repercussions than can happen when you accidentally use salt instead of sugar. (Yes, that actually happened on one challenge.)
Our Form Workflows feature can be used to help make sure that your team is precisely following the steps in their tasks. Workers can fill out portions of custom-built Wireless Forms that can then be digitally forwarded to administrators for review. If not satisfied for any reason, the forms can be rejected and sent back to the worker(s) to revisit or, if everything was completed to satisfaction, they can be approved, giving the okay to advance to the next steps.
Implementing something like this improves the accountability of your team since they shouldn’t be moving on to later steps in a project without the approval of a senior, designated staff member. These types of check-ins also help to keep everyone on the team up to date with the most current status of an ongoing project. This simple process can amount to a whole lot of money saved since ostensibly you won’t find yourself forced to replicate efforts down the road when it’s discovered (too late) that a crucial step was mistakenly overlooked.
No matter your industry, there are myriad ways in which this feature can be implemented in order to help make your everyday processes flow a lot smoother. And when you increase your efficiency, you inevitably end up with more money in your pocket.
Have any questions on how Actsoft can help you?
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About the author : Joshua Pramis
Joshua Pramis is a writer and editor with an affinity for all things travel, tech, and food. His work has appeared on Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, Digital Trends, and the Daily Meal, among other outlets. When he's not at home canoodling with his cats (which is typical), you'll find him running races, exploring new locales, and trying out different food venues in St Petersburg, Florida.