It’s no secret that, in the last few weeks, we have all witnessed a rapid change in the world and how we have to lead our lives moving forward, at least for the foreseeable future. As “social distancing” becomes the new normal, and more businesses than ever are finding themselves forced into the flexibility of becoming largely remote entities, we understand that this change may not be an easy transition at first. That being said, we wanted to use our experience working in remote management to offer some tips and tricks.
Keep your routine.
It can be tempting to make the switch to super casual since you no longer have to trek into the office, but sticking with your normal routine helps get you in the mindset to jumpstart a productive day. So take that morning shower, ditch the pajamas, and get ready to start your day.
Communicate frequently.
You may be on your own, but you’re still part of a bigger team. Don’t forget to stay in touch with them just as you would if you were in the office. Now, more than ever, communication is going to be essential for your team’s productivity. Not to mention, it will help prevent feelings of isolation, particularly if you live alone.
Remove distractions.
The switch to an at-home work environment can lead you to feel a new sense of freedom. While there are certainly perks to being able to fully tailor your workspace to your specifications, you should try to avoid succumbing to the temptation of things like keeping the television on all day. If it’s going to interfere with your ability to focus, it’s best to avoid it altogether.
Take your scheduled breaks.
You might be at home, but you’re still “at work.” So maintain whatever normal break schedule you would have if you were in the office. There’s a reason we take breaks at work. You need that time to decompress or you’ll run the risk of burning yourself out.
Maintain a work-life balance.
We’ve discussed the importance of this before. But when the home becomes the office, it’s a lot easier for the lines to get blurred. Just because you’re set up with the ability to do your job at any time of the day, try not to let that become a habit.
Use technologies effectively.
Don’t shirk using a variety of tools to make life at home both easier and interesting. Emails are great, but use phones and even video chatting so you can maintain some semblance of normalcy. And of course, our own software was specifically created to help businesses manage their teams from afar. Use it to monitor hours worked, keep track of expenses accrued, and to send secure messages to different groups, among other functions.
The world may be changing rapidly, but our ability to adapt with it is one thing that will help us to weather any storm.
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About the author : Joshua Pramis
Joshua Pramis is a writer and editor with an affinity for all things travel, tech, and food. His work has appeared on Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, Digital Trends, and the Daily Meal, among other outlets. When he's not at home canoodling with his cats (which is typical), you'll find him running races, exploring new locales, and trying out different food venues in St Petersburg, Florida.