Did you realize the last Friday of every April is an oft-neglected national holiday? It’s true! While you’re not likely to ever find offices closing up shop in observance, Arbor Day is a reminder to everyone to take a moment and reflect on the important role trees play in our everyday lives, particularly in allowing us the opportunity to even exist on this planet.
Between pumping breathable air into the atmosphere, helping in water conservation efforts, preventing soil erosion, producing food, providing us with shade from the sun on a warm afternoon, and way more benefits than we could even begin to list here, we thought it imperative to take a moment to recognize this important day.
We’re so passionate about the preservation of natural resources, we built an entire business predicated largely on the idea of helping other companies reduce waste, including the unnecessary dependence on costly, environmentally damaging paper goods.
Using our Wireless Forms to replace dated, inefficient paper documents is the perfect way for you to easily play your part in contributing to forest conservation efforts. But the benefits don’t stop there. Making the switch to our digital solution also puts money in your pocket. How?
- All that paper your crew uses for each job, and the ink used to print on it, costs money. When you eliminate the need for so much paper, you eliminate the cost associated with it.
- With Wireless Forms, you don’t have to worry about errors due to illegibility. Mistakes can slow down back-end processing or create customer service issues, both of which needlessly chip away at your bottom line.
- Going digital improves efficiency. Forms can be designed using decision logic, meaning you’re automatically guided along all the necessary fields you need to fill out. Plus, attach audio notes and photos for an extra level of detail, and you’re done faster (and more accurately) than ever before, leaving you more time to earn more by taking on additional work.
- Take advantage of our Barcode Scanning feature and your forms can be used to proficiently track the arrival and departure of inventory. By significantly reducing the potential for human error, you also minimize the risk of lost or unaccounted-for product, which costs you money to replace.
So as you look for ways to improve your business processes, use this day intended to celebrate all that trees give to us, and make the decision to become a more environmentally conscious company while simultaneously seeing an increase your bottom line.
Have any questions on how Actsoft can help you?
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About the author : Joshua Pramis
Joshua Pramis is a writer and editor with an affinity for all things travel, tech, and food. His work has appeared on Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, Digital Trends, and the Daily Meal, among other outlets. When he's not at home canoodling with his cats (which is typical), you'll find him running races, exploring new locales, and trying out different food venues in St Petersburg, Florida.