The year is almost at an end and, though there is ostensibly no discernable difference between December 31 and January 1, many of us opt to use the New Year to signify new beginnings. We make promises to improve various aspects of our lives and hope that, with the coming year, we can usher in better versions of ourselves.
Likewise, in Hollywood, the creatives behind all the biggest blockbusters are constantly trying to one-up the last hit. Sometimes that involves breathing new life into something older. In 2019, we’ll see the masterminds from Disney reintroduce three of the biggest classics from yesteryear, implementing new technologies that let them retell the same story in a completely new light.
In “The Lion King,” we’ll see Simba as we’ve never seen him before, as though he’s a real, living, and breathing feline. “Aladdin” promises to take us on a magic carpet ride to the mythical land of Agrabah brought to life. And everyone’s favorite floppy-eared, flying elephant is bound to win the hearts of a whole new generation in “Dumbo.”
Now, whether or not these modernized versions of the classics are actually upgrades or not is a subject of contention for many. But the fact of the matter is: Technology today allows the storytellers to dazzle audiences with a new, upgraded look that they simply were not capable of when these films were first introduced.
Likewise, introducing our software to your business allows you to complete the same tasks that you are now, but in a much more efficient manner. And unlike the reimagined movies that are coming to the big screen next year, there’s really no disputing the benefits you’ll see from upgrading to our solution.
If you’re constantly dealing with massive amounts of paperwork, particularly with forms that need to be filled out at each job site, there is so much waste (both resources and expenses) that comes from needlessly using so much paper product. Plus, with decision logic, your digital modules automatically know to skip to certain questions based on your responses, saving your crew time.
Companies with fleets can use our solution to reduce the amount of fuel used. Vehicle monitoring lets management know if drivers are allowing their trucks to idle needlessly, burning fuel that could be saved simply by switching off the engine. Additional driver behavior (e.g. hard braking or accelerating and speeding) is tracked so you can make sure your crew is driving as safely as possible. When they’re following safe practices, there’s a reduced risk in accidents, which can be costly both to your bottom line and reputation.
And when you have employees that work in the field, you can save time wasted by letting them punch in and out from the field, rather than having them come all the way into the office. Plus, with GPS Tracking tied into their time punches, there’s an added level of accountability, since you know they’re exactly where they’re supposed to be when you start paying them.
So while everyone may not be all on the same page when it comes to the reimagining of classic movies, it’s okay; we don’t always have to agree. But when it comes time to reinvent your business, it’s hard to argue with the results.
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About the author : Joshua Pramis
Joshua Pramis is a writer and editor with an affinity for all things travel, tech, and food. His work has appeared on Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, Digital Trends, and the Daily Meal, among other outlets. When he's not at home canoodling with his cats (which is typical), you'll find him running races, exploring new locales, and trying out different food venues in St Petersburg, Florida.