In the last couple of weeks, fall premieres began to steadily flood into television sets around the country. After months of agonizing — that may be too strong of a word, but just go with it, okay? — over the futures of beloved characters in the wake of season finale cliffhangers, we’re finally able to move forward with plotlines and find out what happens next. And not a moment too soon.
As a big fan of superhero shows, I was especially excited to see the return of some of my favorites on the CW network, learning what was to become of some of my beloved characters on shows like Supergirl, The Flash, and Arrow.
While each show has its own plotline, they are part of the same universe, allowing for some crossing over, which is always exciting. But another thing that each has in common is that the hero has a loyal team that keeps watch over them from the home base. Thanks to tracking devices and the ability to communicate with each hero instantly, they’re able to monitor, say, Supergirl’s exact location in National City as she’s out and about delivering justice to the bad guys. This ability to track in near real-time helps to make sure our heroes are kept as safe as possible while out in the field and, when something goes wrong, the people back at home are alerted so they can respond accordingly.
When you stop to think about it, this process isn’t all that unlike the way Actsoft helps companies monitor their precious assets. Take, for example, a construction site. More often than not, these types of projects last for months, if not years, and involve a lot of heavy equipment. It’s counterproductive for a crew to have to haul everything to and from the site each day; it would result in a lot of wasted time, which translates to wasted money.
Because of this, that equipment is most often kept at job sites overnight, and oftentimes unguarded. By simply installing one of our asset trackers to your costly equipment, you can rest easy knowing that it’s staying right where it should. In the event that someone attempts to mess with it during off hours, you’ll be sent an alert just like Team Arrow is whenever the man in green is in trouble. These alerts, sent in near real-time, can be all that stands between your equipment’s safety and you being out thousands of dollars due to theft.
What constitutes “messing with” your assets? The versatility of our software allows you to set up those parameters specific to your needs and desires. It could be any movement whatsoever during certain hours. Or you could set alerts to sound if anything leaves your custom geofenced area, no matter the time of day. You’re in complete control, here, so it’s entirely up to you.
Our asset tracking solutions aren’t just limited to construction sites. No matter what type of equipment you have — big or small — and whichever industry you may be in, the ability to see exactly where your valuable gear is at any given time provides the kind of peace of mind any busy business owner would find comforting.
Whether it’s a superhero saving yet another day, a construction crew erecting a new building, or any of the myriad other industries out there, reliable tracking helps you to safeguard what’s most important to you.
Have any questions on how Actsoft can help you?
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About the author : Joshua Pramis
Joshua Pramis is a writer and editor with an affinity for all things travel, tech, and food. His work has appeared on Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, Digital Trends, and the Daily Meal, among other outlets. When he's not at home canoodling with his cats (which is typical), you'll find him running races, exploring new locales, and trying out different food venues in St Petersburg, Florida.