The early signs of spring can be seen in most parts of the U.S., but not in places like Denver, Colorado, where the snowfall is steady, creating treacherous driving conditions for people as they navigate through the mountainous roadways. In recent reports by 9news (Denver’s local news station), a blizzard recently hit the Denver area, leaving all roads incapacitated due to heavy winds and snow. USA Today also reported heavy snow in Northern-Central U.S. regions and severe rainstorms to the South. The bad weather makes life difficult for professionals working in the trucking industry.
Whether there’s a snowstorm freezing roads, or rain flooding them, trucking companies in the U.S. take the biggest hit. Bruce Johnson, Director of Capacity Development at C.H Robinson, says that one of the most important factors for the trucking industry is the weather conditions on the road. Constant road closures and delays cost trucking companies time and money, neither of which they can’t afford to lose.
Smaller trucking companies suffer the most because they are often precariously balancing low budgets, minimal resources, and the persistent threat of losing their employees and customers to bigger companies. Maintaining a fleet of drivers in unpredictable weather is increasingly challenging when mother nature decides not to play along.
Safety is an issue that most trucking companies deal with. Ensuring that each truck driver takes the proper precautions to stay safe could save lives in addition to insurance paid out in the event of an accident. Bruce Johnson says that professional truck drivers should use The American Trucking Association (ATA) as a reference to ensure their safety on the road.
Taking the right procedures for staying safe on the road isn’t just a want, it’s a necessity, especially when sharing the road with other drivers. Here are some helpful tips to keep everyone safe on the roads when the weather isn’t optimal.
Slow down: Driving the speed limit is one way to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road. Going over the speed limit during a storm could result in a fatality. Don’t rush, do the speed limit!
Don’t follow the tail lights of the vehicle in front: When you’re driving through a snowstorm or in heavy rain, don’t rely on the driver in front of you to be your compass. Back Off! Stay at least a car length from the vehicle in front of you.
Follow good judgment: If the weather is severe and you need to pull over, do it. There’s nothing wrong with finding a place to wait until weather conditions are safe again. Don’t ignore severe weather! It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Avoid stopping on the shoulder of the road: When there’s little visibility pulling over on the shoulder of the road isn’t the best idea. However, if you must, make sure that when you pull over, the other drivers don’t think that you’re still on the road.
Bad weather can strike at any time, it’s impossible to be 100 percent sure of when a blizzard or rainstorm will hit. Actsoft understands how harrowing running a trucking business can be when foul weather comes into play. The lack of visibility on the road during a bad storm can cause a lot of confusion and frustration in the back office. Actsoft’s Comet Tracker can provide you with the visibility to see your drivers on the road and in the field. With Comet Tracker, you can see traffic on a virtual map, allowing for effective dispatching in the case of bad weather. You can use this technology to redirect your drivers to better and safer routes.
Stay safe on the roads during devastating weather so when the skies clear it’s smooth sailing down the highway.
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