Due the recent rise in fuel costs, fleet owners are looking for “outside-the-box” solutions to help save money. According to a recent study published in the San Francisco Chronicle, fuel now represents 26–75 percent of costs for over 61 percent of all fleets. Luckily, Actsoft is here to help with our embedded solution, Comet Fleet. This software allows companies to improve fuel efficiency by reviewing hard acceleration/deceleration and idle times. Customers can expect to see a 10–12 percent fuel cost reduction in idle management alone.
From healthcare to education, the CalAmp embedded device has proven itself as one of the most reliable GPS tracking units in the industry. Combined with Actsoft’s Comet Tracker application, Comet Fleet provides clear visibility into the day-to-day movements and activities of all fleet vehicles.
Contact your local Actsoft Sales Representative to discuss how Comet Fleet can help your customers save money!