Your business is growing, and that’s a great thing. Now it’s time to look into some tools that enhance opportunities across the board.
Actsoft’s Mobile Resource Management suite of products can integrate right into your current business processes. With integration, the combination of wireless and GPS technology comes together using an incredible array of data collection and business management tools, tailored to virtually every industry with employees in the field.
You may still be wondering how your business comes together using our products.
Actsoft’s IMEX system allows you to use our software to gather data and transfer it into your backend systems, fulfilling your specific requirements. It seamlessly integrates data collection with any or all of your business’s backend processes (accounting, payroll, work orders, databases, CRM, etc.) using our software.
In short, data that’s transferred from the mobile device through the Actsoft product slips right into the spots you need it to go. Blam!
To sum it up: The process works like a cheese sandwich.
Actsoft Products = Bread
IMEX System Integration = Cheese
Your Back-End System = Bread